Dedit, Map Making Q's

All about Maps, Mods & Creating them
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Re: Dedit, Map Making Q's

Post by HangmanEXE »


Got 2 simple Questions.

1. When building a large map, How can we make the perspective view window hop to a desired location on a large map? -- I assume hit we hit maker to selection button for where we would want to move it too ...but then what? I only ask this one as this dang HD Games Domain map is so "MASSIVE" that I keep gettin lost trying to navigate in it while working in Dedits perspective view window... [SERIOUSLY!]

2. Is there [ANY] way to make Dedit display about 4 times as much as the perspective window can so it will not Far Z style hiding things as quickly as it does as I move around? -I ask this one in case previous question is not possible.

...thanks to all answer.


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Re: Dedit, Map Making Q's

Post by TronFAQ »

HangmanEXE wrote:1. When building a large map, How can we make the perspective view window hop to a desired location on a large map? -- I assume hit we hit maker to selection button for where we would want to move it too ...but then what?[SERIOUSLY!]
There's a way to do what you're after, but it's not enabled by default. Go to the Edit menu and choose Edit Key Configuration. Look for Camera To Object. Note that it's empty, it has no key assigned to it. Assign a single key or a key combination (that isn't already defined somewhere else). Then when you press that key, the camera will jump to the currently selected object.
2. Is there [ANY] way to make Dedit display about 4 times as much as the perspective window can so it will not Far Z style hiding things as quickly as it does as I move around? -I ask this one in case previous question is not possible.
Go to Edit and choose Options. Click the Viewport tab. Look for Default Far Z. There you can change the number just like you do in your map, to allow you to see further in DEdit itself.
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Re: Dedit, Map Making Q's

Post by HangmanEXE »

[JOYGASM]... HAHAHA!!! TY FAQ!!! That just made my day!!!

Here is a [BIG] Cookie for you!


...mmmmm giant cookie [drools].
In my day we didn't need these fancy R,G,B, LCD an 3D colors!
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Re: Dedit, Map Making Q's

Post by deeahchur »

T-D Td) T<) Tc) Tz)

No cookie for Hogger and Wraithy, tho.
Th( Tw<

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Re: Dedit, Map Making Q's

Post by TronFAQ »


Thanks, Hangman! :P
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Re: Dedit, Map Making Q's

Post by deeahchur »

Had an idea for something, but it requires a solution, first.

I would like some geometry to travel from Point A to Point B and then be reset to Point A again to travel to Point B again. Kinda like the following:

Code: Select all

Start -> -> -> End (reset) Start -> -> -> End

Code: Select all

Start -> -> -> End -> -> -> Start
Although, I imagine a keyframer taking the object through architecture and looping back around could work but might be more of a hassle. I know I could use a door slider and do a back and forth, but that's not the goal I am after.

Additionally, can an object be instanced to appear on the field multiple times without initially copying the geometry first?

Any thoughts on accomplishing these tricks would be greatly appreciated!
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Re: Dedit, Map Making Q's

Post by TronFAQ »

Well, as it turns out, using a keyframer is exactly what you want. A SlidingWorldModel can't jump back to its starting position, but a keyframed object can.

As for instancing objects, it depends on exactly what you have in mind. Are you talking about decorative objects, or objects the player interacts with or has to navigate through? There's a couple of different approaches/techniques.
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Re: Dedit, Map Making Q's

Post by deeahchur »

tronfaq wrote:Well, as it turns out, using a keyframer is exactly what you want. A SlidingWorldModel can't jump back to its starting position, but a keyframed object can.
Cool. That helps! Td)
tronfaq wrote:As for instancing objects, it depends on exactly what you have in mind. Are you talking about decorative objects, or objects the player interacts with or has to navigate through? There's a couple of different approaches/techniques.
I want a bunch of objects going across the map, kinda like a datastream, but as actual objects. Think something like Frogger, but the Players can actually hop on the traveling geometry, though not necessarily interact with it. I would like to place random or specific powerups on some traveling objects.

I hope this helps clarify your inquiry without giving away too much of what I intend to do for the map. T-p
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Re: Dedit, Map Making Q's

Post by TronFAQ »

deeahchur wrote:I want a bunch of objects going across the map, kinda like a datastream, but as actual objects. Think something like Frogger, but the Players can actually hop on the traveling geometry, though not necessarily interact with it. I would like to place random or specific powerups on some traveling objects.
If groups, or all, of the objects traveled the same distance, you could create prefabs with one or a few specific lengths. Then you'd be able to repeat the prefab(s) multiple times and take advantage of instancing.

But if all the objects travel varying, random lengths you'll have to copy and paste, then modify each one to be the appropriate length.
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Re: Dedit, Map Making Q's

Post by deeahchur »

Is there a way to disconnect/break apart only one selected face from geometry? Doing Control+J only to break off one or two faces is kinda annoying.
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Re: Dedit, Map Making Q's

Post by xistence »

- Select brush
- CTRL-J to split into single polies (do not click anything else afterwards, so all polies are still selected after the splitting, so still marked yellow)
- CTRL-SHIFT (keep holding it during the next step)
- Now Click on all polies that shouldn't be part of the brush anymore (deselect).
- SHIFT-J to join the rest back into a brush. All deselected polies are now available as single brushes, you can select all and do SHIFT-J again to form out a second brush
This way you can pick/split single polies of a brush

If you just want to delete single polies
- Select brush
- CTRL-G (geometry mode)
- hover poly to be deleted (red edges around)
- Press L to delete
- Done
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Re: Dedit, Map Making Q's

Post by deeahchur »

Thanks, X! I have already put the technique to use, and it saved me a lot of time! T-]

It even helped me to spot a set of polies I forgot to trim earlier. T-(

All in all, progress is being made with YCP HQ, and I foresee a timely release of the level by Tuesday, 31 January 2012.
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Re: Dedit, Map Making Q's

Post by deeahchur »

I would like to know how to make cubes or geometry disappear when hit like in disc duels.

I have a datablock stack that I want to be dense, but I would like for players to be able to throw their disc at/into the data stack to make datablocks disappear and create a pathway through.

Do I have to add a separate object for each cube in the stack, or can I use one parent object and then each cube only disappears when it is hit?

Is this clear so far?

If I have to use a separate object, then I probably will not use this feature. Bummer if so, tho.

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Re: Dedit, Map Making Q's

Post by TronFAQ »

Add a WorldModel object to your map, and bind a data block brush to it. In the properties of the WorldModel, click the DamageProperties button. In the DamageCommand field, type something like this.

Code: Select all

msg NameofWorldModel (hidden 1); delay 5 (msg NameofWorldModel (hidden 0))
When the brush is hit by a weapon, it will disappear and then reappear again after 5 seconds. Since you said you want the blocks to disappear permanently, just leave out the second half after the semicolon. But I threw that in there in case you decide you want blocks to reapppear.

You'll need a separate WorldModel for every block, if you want each block to disappear individually. Otherwise, if you bind multiple blocks to one WorldModel, they'll all disappear at once.
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Re: Dedit, Map Making Q's

Post by deeahchur »

TronFAQ wrote:You'll need a separate WorldModel for every block, if you want each block to disappear individually. Otherwise, if you bind multiple blocks to one WorldModel, they'll all disappear at once.

hmmm. I was afraid of that. Maybe I'll create a set path that can be destroyed to reach a powerup.

I may play with making an entire section temporarily destroyable and see by how much the file size increases.

I think I will use this with the central windows, however.

Thanx FAQ!

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