File sharing

All about Maps, Mods & Creating them
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Re: File sharing

Post by TronFAQ »

I'm probably going to ruffle a few feathers when certain people read all of what I'm about to say. But I'm going to say it, anyway.
HangmanEXE wrote:Again my appologies, if I have offended alot of ppl, I will be more than happy to leave the forum. It wasnt my intention [at all] to offend anyone. Again, I posted when I was not in my right mind -emotionally, an things came out wrong.

Again, I appologise
No need to apologize for anything. :D I think we all know what you meant, including X. You were trying to get people motivated and involved in sharing and working on projects together. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.

I think that X is just trying to guide you into setting more realistic expectations and goals for yourself, and the community as a whole. I'll get to what I mean by that in a moment.
HangmanEXE wrote:I am [HONESTLY] NOT trying to start something! I am ONLY trying to see that Tron 2.0's moding community not die off with the new games release and everyone seeming to be moving on to it an leaving 2.0 behind.
I don't really see people abandoning modding 2.0 for Evolution. Evolution doesn't have an official SDK, and modding it isn't sanctioned or supported. We are completely on our own in this regard. And although there is much better documentation and tools for the Unreal engine as a whole (what with Evolution using Unreal), there is still going to be a lot of trial and error involved.

The thing is, though: there's never been much interest in modding in the first place. Even all this time, since Tron 2.0 came out 7 years ago.

Now, this was aggravated by the poor state of the documentation and tools. I'll grant you that. But still, there simply hasn't been that much interest in modding. The community of people who are enthusiastic about it has always been small. Particularly within the established Tron fan sites. You yourself came here to our site, because over at Tron-Sector, pretty much no one over there cares about modding.

In fact, they're not really even interested in trying out community made mod projects. I've seen more enthusiasm from outside the hard-core Tron fandom, than from within. And that's kind of sad. But that's the way it is, and has always been.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is: don't expect much interest, support, or enthusiasm when it comes to collaborating on mod projects. Be it for 2.0 or Evolution. We have a few fans here who are enthusiastic about it, but don't anticipate many more to show up. Trying to get the few who are genuinely interested to pool their resources, is definitely a laudable goal though. :D
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Re: File sharing

Post by xistence »

HangmanEXE wrote:Again my appologies, if I have offended alot of ppl, I will be more than happy to leave the forum. It wasnt my intention [at all] to offend anyone. Again, I posted when I was not in my right mind -emotionally, an things came out wrong.

Again, I appologise
Definitely not needed to, no one is blaming you or anyone in particular, and my statement was ment as 'global guide' (as T correctly stated) for anyone who has so much intention to do stuff for a community like you or others in this forum.
I just want to prevent that motivated pps loose their interests just because of some disappointments. Just understand how a community acts, spend as much energy as possible following your visions and ideas, share them if you like, but don't try to change the world. People are acting on their own, you can't really change that, and so you shouldn't get frustrated, as things are not working as expected, and maybe loosing your intrestes in your projects. I saw this too many times happen.
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Re: File sharing

Post by TronFAQ »

BTW, when I said I was "probably going to ruffle a few feathers when certain people read all of what I'm about to say" and when I mentioned "hard-core Tron fandom" I was specifically referring to Tron-Sector. Just to clarify what I meant by that.

Most members there have shown little to no enthusiasm about making or trying out mods. And they represent the largest collection of Tron fandom online. I've seen more enthusiasm and discussion about Tron 2.0 maps and mods on sites that have nothing to do with Tron fandom. Which is what makes the situation all the more sad.
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Re: File sharing

Post by HangmanEXE »

Thanks for understanding.

I just wanted to offer something to the community. I am not even a good mod'r "yet", but I still want to offer ...[something] that everyone could use.

I just wanted to see if I could get ppl interested, that on top of my recent frustration obtaining files I wanted to use for a mapping project, it just disheartened me alot to not see anyone going for the idea of sharing files/parts among ourselves for easy access/use. :(

It was wrong of me to vent, regardless of how I felt tho, for that I again offer my appologies to all. I feel terrible that I may have upset Win for not having thanked her for sharing the file. I will send her a msg an appologise.

Sorry all.

But as for the project being dead.
FAR from it....
I still have lots of ideas, an [EVERYTHING I MAKE] for Dedit, will be available for download in one fashion or another for others to use, I will lead by example if I have to.

In my day we didn't need these fancy R,G,B, LCD an 3D colors!
A program was happy to process 15 megacycles just to get to use monochrome display! You program's today wouldn't know a hard microcycles work if it came up and derez'd ya from behind!
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Re: File sharing

Post by win3k »

Morning chaps

Apology received, but really no need. I, and the other LDSO crew, have all done a shedload of work using Dedit (in spite of the documentation), so it's pretty fair to say that collectively we can address most questions that you have.
I feel terrible that I may have upset Win for not having thanked her for sharing the file. I will send her a msg an appologise.
<protip>I voiced Mac in User Error</protip>

I chose the Mercury model as my avatar because I think she was the most interesting model in Tron 2.0. You're not the first to make that mistake.

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Re: File sharing

Post by HangmanEXE »

hmm, looks at profile.
...dang profiles here dont show our genders, never noticed that before.

Well, win, have to ask ya to overlook that one. I was just going on what I had to work with. lol

As for the info, if none of you don't mind, I will start throwing out Q's an I hope that you will all throw out random stuff as well. As I will start compiling a document with everything displayed in that Question an its answers. I will start with all the questions that I have asked here an over at tron secotr that were answered. then taking the ones from others an replacing them with me asking, to protect others feelings, an going from there.

At least i can come up with a documentation collection that will provide helpful information should someone need them.

Happy Holidays
In my day we didn't need these fancy R,G,B, LCD an 3D colors!
A program was happy to process 15 megacycles just to get to use monochrome display! You program's today wouldn't know a hard microcycles work if it came up and derez'd ya from behind!
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